Monthly Archives: April 2012


It’s Friday night again. Time is flying. Joy thought, carefully flicking the ash off his smoke.

Joy looked at his wife. She is lying on the couch, blissfully playing her favorite game on her phone. He suddenly felt a strong rush of love for this woman. He smiled and let out a soft sigh.

Joy made some space for himself by his wife on the couch. She placed her head on his lap. He gently rubbed her forehead while surfing the channels on the TV. She looked at him, squinted her eyes, smiled at him, blew a kiss on the air, rolled on the couch, and continued playing. Stupidity on TV.

Joy is not an IPL animal, but this season he is following IPL. The Pune matches, to be precise. He is supporting Pune – his home team, and today Pune is playing against Chennai. Interesting match, Joy thought. Then he thought about Chennai. He has never been to Chennai, but he hates the city more than any city in India. He does not need to justify his hatred for anything or anyone. Does he? He tried to concentrate on the match.

“What do you think of rebirth?” Joy asked obliviously.


“No, I mean, you take another birth, start the life afresh…”

“You are stoned!”

“No, seriously. Birth, childhood, adolescence, the stupid teen, study, job hunt, marriage… work-life balance, and that eternal question – want more money on the paycheck or want to spend more time with family? There can’t be one simple answer for that question, can it?”

“What’s your point?”

“Isn’t it absurd that we always want to go to the future, I mean to grow up fast and then cry about the days gone by? While in school, I desperately wanted to be in college. Once in college, I desperately wanted to get out of that place and get a job! But now I wish I could go back to the school or the college days! Life was so simple!”


“Look at the TV. Right now I want to be that old man in that ad. See, when you are that old, you don’t have anything to worry about. Whatever was there for you, has already happened. Now enjoy your life and count your days. That should be fun!”

“Are you too stressed? What’s the matter, honey? Come, hug me.” She stopped playing and put her phone on the table.

“No, I am just saying.”

“Then it must be the smoke!” She laughed.

“Have you heard that joke?”

“Which joke?”

“I agree that alcohol does not solve any problem, but it surely does help you forget the question!” Joy laughed hysterically.


PS: It is April 20th – 4/20. Rings a bell? No?